Vote Now! Who is the ultimate Phillies Villain?
Today at NBC Sports Philadelphia, we’re taking a look at the biggest villains in Phillies history.
By the end of the day, with your help, we’ll decide which player was the Ultimate Phillies Villain.
Jim Salisbury takes us back to the night Joe Carter broke Phillies fans’ hearts, and the trade that sent Carter to Toronto in the first place.
Sean Kane argues that J.D. Drew was the ultimate Phillies villain before even making his MLB debut.
Casey Feeney explains that while Chipper Jones didn’t have that one HUGE moment against the Phillies, it was his steady domination over them for nearly two decades that placed him on this list.
And Corey Seidman looks at Cody Ross, perhaps better known in this city as Cody Effing Ross for his randomly brilliant 2010 NLCS, when he almost single-handedly took the Phils down.
Read and watch the arguments above from our panel of Phillies analysts. Listen to Phillies Talk. And then vote in the poll below. We’ll announce the winner Thursday morning.