The Packers Embarass Themselves With Tush Push Proposal
Another off-season and the Eagles Tush Push play is once again on the chopping block. The league will soon meet to vote on new rules for next season. One of the rule changes that the Competition Committee will vote on, is whether or not to ban the Tush Push. The Packers are the team proposing the change.
Packers Crying Over The Tush Push
For the past several years, the Eagles have been near automatic when running the play. 3rd and 1, 4th and 1, or goal line plays, almost always get converted. There has been grumbling from some pouty media members, looking at you Joe Schad, but no real progress to the play being banned.
But now there will be a vote. Thanks the Packers, and thanks specifically to their Team President Mark Murphy, who said this about the play.
“I am not a fan of this play. There is no skill involved and it is almost an automatic first down on plays of a yard or less. I would like to see the league prohibit pushing or aiding the runner.”
The thing is, if there is no skill, why can’t more teams run it? Why are the Eagles the only team who spam the play as much as they do? Why isnt every play at the 1-yard line turned into a TD? The truth is it is a skill play, and the Eagles have the most skill. Their elite O-Line, and their elite QB, make the play work. Murphy saying it is not a skill play, is him insulting Offensive Linemen.
Mark Murphy, and the entire Packers organization, are embarrassing themselves with this proposal. It is not a serious attempt to make the league better, it is them whining about getting beat by a play they can’t run themselves.
The Packers should worry more about joining the big leagues and being able to beat the best teams around the league, something they could not do last season, and worry less about crying about a play that they can’t run or stop.
This is what it looks like when the Packers try to run it.
Ryan Clark put it better than anyone else has when he joined NFL Live. The push to ban the Tush Push is soft. it is the product of people upset they can’t run the play to perfection like the Eagles do, so they want it banned because they aren’t physical enough to stop it.