My New Morning Show Life- A Timeline Of Andrew Salciunas’s New Routine
For the last 8 years of my life, I have been the producer and co-host of the Midday Show at the station. Today began a new journey in my life: Host of Kincade and Salciunas. The jump to the morning show is a big deal for my career that I am very excited about… it also means a major change in my day-to-day schedule.
Before my son Cooper was born, I lived in Manayunk and would leave my house at 8:40 to be in by 8:45. After moving to New Jersey, I began to leave at 7:45. Now… well now I have to be in before 5 am for the morning show. I decided yesterday and today to log everything I did in order to get my first day started to see if this would be a good schedule to follow.
So let me tell you about my new routine:
I will start at 6:30 on Sunday night when we had a show meeting. Me, John, Connor, and our Program Director Scott Masteller jumped on a call to prep for our first show. That lasted about 30 minutes. After the meeting ended, it was back to parenting and getting my morning prepped.
From 7:00 until 7:30, I shoved Cooper into his height chair, gave him an apple sauce, and listened to the Wheels on the Bus for the 6,000th time of the day, as I moved around the kitchen. Because my wife leaves for work at 6:30 am, we had to get Cooper’s lunch for daycare ready. While I was doing that, I also set the timer on the coffee… 3:30 am… that hit pretty hard. My life is changing.
At 7:30 we turned the bath on for Coop. While Kristie took care of that, I put my clothes aside for the morning. Because Cooper is starting to sneak into bed in the middle of the night, I didn’t want to wake him up moving around the room after the 4 am alarm. So the clothes went downstairs, as did my toothbrush and toothpaste. Finally around 8:15, after his bath, books, and plenty of singing, Cooper went to bed. Now it is my turn, right?
When I got in bed at 8:15 I started to type this out. I started to think of more topics for the show. I started to think about how cool of an opportunity this is. I started thinking… thinking… thinking… why the hell am I not sleeping?! I. Can’t. Sleep.
Eventually, I drifted off to sleep and before I knew it, the alarm was sounding at 4:00. What you have to understand is, with Cooper, I haven’t set an alarm since before he was born. There was no worry about oversleeping with a little one in the house, but now I am getting up before him. So when the alarm sounded, I thought it was Kristie’s. It took her hitting my arm for me to remember that my new life began.
I was in the shower by 4:05 and in the car by 4:25. 25 minutes later I was at the station and put together the trusty show sheet. Many cups of coffee later, it was 6 am and it was showtime.
I blinked, the morning show ended, and now I am sending this over to our digital team before 11 am. Time for a beer. Thank you for listening, and talk to you tomorrow at 6 am!