What’s Brewin’ With Jen 8-10-2022
As they do every day on the “Best Show Ever?” they took a look at “What’s Brewing With Jen.” So what was brewing with Jen Scordo today.
Jen takes us to Pittsburgh as Pirates infielder Rodolfo Castro has his phone come out of his pocket! This is not the first time this has happened. Ricky talks about his experience playing baseball and how it doesn’t make sense having the phone on you during the game and gets fired up. Tyrone points out that he didn’t know he even lost it and how he should be fined. Hunter brings up how dumb this was even thougt he thinks it’s unintentional.
The next topic of international fame is due to Tik Tok! If you love pickles then you might enjoy pickle juice ice pops! Jen and Ricky talk about how hydrating pickle juice is. Tyrone doesn’t think the ice pops will freeze evenly and now Jen has to try!
What’s the most perfect thing in life? An Egg. Jen talks about a perfect egg laid by a chicken! It’s on Ebay selling for $500. Good deal for a one and a billion egg, right? This round perfect egg brought up some discussion of how it’s only up for $500 if it’s the perfect egg. All of the money from the egg will go to rescuing more chicken, now that’s an EGG-celent story.
Listen below to hear the full segment!