Jamie’s World: Stop Being THAT Guy
We’ve all been in this exact scenario. A line backs up at your local Wawa or grocery store and they open the new register. Everyone in line looks to the new register as the savior that will save them a couple minutes off of the miserable existence that waiting in line is. The cashier yells “next in line please!” and everyone WANTS to get to that new salvation. The problem is, not everyone has a right to that salvation. One person does, the actual next person in line. They have right of first refusal. The person last line, contrary to popular belief has the LAST opportunity to that new check-out lane salvation. Stop being that person from the back of the line that sprints to the front of the new check-out line. We all don’t like you. As the great George Costanza would yell … “WE’RE LIVING IN A SOCIETTTYYYYYYYY!!!!”