Anthony’s Opening Diatribe- Sixers Need To Close It Out Tonight
In Anthony Gargano’s Opening Diatribe he discussed how the Sixers just need to close this series out tonight, and avoid the trip back to Boston for Game 7:
“Close-out day. The morning of game 6. This is what’s at stake. You can finally get past the second round. Finally, get past the Celtics. You would face a weakened other side of the bracket. All that stands between us and a pretty good shot at getting to the Finals, and maybe winning it for the first time in 40 years, is tonight’s game. It goes without saying you don’t want to go back to Boston for Mother’s Day. Not that they can’t win that game. But you just want to close it out tonight.
This brings me back to when I was a child. They played the Celtics and were up 3-1. In 1981, Moses was on the other side of the bracket. We all kept saying, all they needed to do was get to the Finals and they would win it. They were up 3-1, and they lost game 5, lost game 6, and lost game 7. The following year it was the same scenario. Up 3-1. Lose game 5. Come home, and lose game 6. They go back to Boston and everyone counted them out… The next thing you know they were able to win game 7. That was the Beat LA chant.
These series are just white knuckle. So just finish it tonight. Come back home. I can’t wait to hear the building. They have played so well. You had that great game Sunday. Then they played the perfect game on Tuesday. Now is the time. You have got them. They are wounded. You gotta kill them, stake through the heart, and burn the body… This is it. You get to do it at home. The place will be filled with love and joy.”
You can listen to his full Opening Diatribe below:
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