In general, we want sports to be played on as even of a playing field as possible. Mother nature does not always let that happen though. Occasionally she has different plans and drops snow, rain, or other weather events onto our heads while we are trying to enjoy our team’s play. The truth is, we kind of love bad weather games.
There is something special about playing sports in the worst conditions possible. Who doesn’t love a football game in the snow? Or maybe even heavy rain. Most of the time we want good weather. But now and then, you have to love a game in bad conditions. And our teams have had some great ones. So I put together a list of some of the best ones.
I only included ones we actually have good memories of. The list could be much longer if I included bad weather games where our teams came up short. I could have listed the Fog Bowl. Or the infamous Joe Webb game after a snowstorm forced the Eagles into playing on Tuesday night. But we dont need to drudge up those bad memories. Besides, thinking of Joe Webb somehow beating the Eagles still gives me shivers.
I wanted to talk about games we can celebrate instead. Times where despite the bad weather, our team still came out on top. Some of the games on this list even led to championships for the city. So from the Snow Bowl to the the 2008 World Series, and a few Eagles Championships back in the day, we took a look at some of our favorite bad-weather games. These are the times Mother Nature was against our teams, and they still triumphed.