The show opens with the guys’ reaction to the Phillies’ extra innings loss to the Braves yesterday, as well as the NBA Draft last night (0:12-19:56). Joel Embiid is launching a new content company (19:56-38:24). The guys come up with marketing slogans for the Sixers’ upcoming season (38:24-1:02:38). John is upset with Rob Thomson’s lack of urgency (1:02:38-1:29:18). What creates our hatred for the Mets? (1:29:18-1:51:22). The Sixers have some roster work to do still this offseason (1:51:22-2:14:35). Jamie’s World (2:14:35-2:45:37). The show wraps up with a look forward to the Phils’ series with the Mets (2:45:37-3:12:46).