Today on the Mike Missanelli Show, Mike started off with the walk off Home Run from Andrew McCutchen giving the Phillies the win against the Nationals. In addition to the Civil Suits against DeShawn Watson that were pending, ten criminal charges were filed yesterday against Watson and two additional women have come forward. Meanwhile, the Eagles are set to report to Training Camp (00:00-16:49) Mike went to the phone lines for your calls (16:49-1:05:40) Bob Brookover from The Philadelphia Inquirer joins the show talking about the Phillies and his retirement (1:05:40-1:17:31) Back to the phones for more of your calls and what are some of life’s conveniences ? EZ Pass? WiFi? Mike wants to know (1:17:31-2:05:02) More of your calls and news that the Phillies made a trade (2:05:02-2:38:19) Sound Off (2:38:19) then we wrapped up the day (2:44:17)