The Best Show Ever?: Weekdays 2pm – 6pm

The Best Show Ever?: Weekdays 2pm – 6pm

The Best Show Ever 1-19-2023 Download

02:46:46 Download January 19th, 2023

The word of the day is priorities. And they open the show talking about what the fans priorities are at this time of the year. Because there is an increase in people selling their tickets on the secondary market for crazy prices, and they wonder if that trend will water down the type of fans are at games (0:00).

They continue the conversation about people reselling tickets, and take some calls from people who do sell their tickets at prices the average person could never afford, and if the increase of tickets being sold on the second market increases the risk of more opposing fans getting into the game (12:21).

Then they get to their question of the day, which stems off a controversy earlier in the day where some Eagles fans were upset that a local establishment is hosting a tailgate event for Giants fans, and they ask if it is reasonable to be upset about that (1:03:29).

Jordan Raanan, who covers the Giants for ESPN, joined the show to previews the Eagles-Giants game from the other side (1:22:48).  

They get back to the phones, where the conversation about selling tickets continues (1:35:50).

Then they check in to see what is brewing with Jen Scordo today (1:57:09).

For the rest of the show it is your calls, they talk to a legal expert about the ticker reselling situation, play an new song about the Eagles, and close it out with the question of the day (2:06:14).

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