Who are your favorite Philly coaches of all time? Who are your last favorite? With Doc Rivers being in the news of late, The Best Show Ever discusses their favorite and coaches, and talks to the listeners to see who they love and hate. It is also 10 Second Song Day.
At (1:19:34) it is time for Angry Ricky, where he vents about a terrible morning he had where he got the wrong order at his coffee place, an argument he witnessed on his ride in, and someone in the office who doesn’t have bathroom etiquette.
At (1:30:39) Keith Pompey joins the show to discuss the addition of Kyle Lowry, a tough set of games coming up for the Sixers, and more.
At (2:09:05) they get to What’s Brewing With Jen where Jen shares a story about a former NFL WR trying to become a musician, and a horse running wild on I-95.