The Best Show Ever?: Weekdays 2pm – 6pm

The Best Show Ever?: Weekdays 2pm – 6pm

Mike Missanelli Show 1/19/17 Download

Download January 19th, 2017

Today on the Mike Missanelli show was the Philly Sports Roundtable. For the 1st two hours Mike gets the pulse of the team from the callers. In the final 2 hours the roundtable begins with Bob Cooney, Brian Westbrook, and Harry Mayes as the gauge all four of the local teams. In the 4 o’clock hour the panel was joined by Julius Erving to get a breakdown of the Sixers and NBA. In the 5 o’clock hour ESPN’s Jayson Stark breaks down the Phillies. Finally, the guys answer the all important question, who will next win a championship and when?

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