The show opens with the guys’ reaction to Michael Lorenzen’s no-hitter for the Phillies and a magical night at Citizens Bank Park (0:07-22:43). Bob thinks Rob Thomson might be getting hot at the right time (22:43-38:34). Baseball is manipulating the sport, and has been for awhile (38:34-1:05:01). Pat loved something about the lineup last night from Rob Thomson (1:05:01-1:25:42). Bob isn’t worried about some reports out of Eagles camp (1:25:42-1:55:06). John Clayton used to have an interesting take on determining an NFL team’s win total (1:55:06-2:17:46). Thursday Gametime – Eagles Player Or Tony Winner (2:17:46-2:44:43). Ricky Bottalico checks in for the entire 9am hour to react to an amazing game for the Phillies (2:44:43-3:13:04).