The show opens with John’s thoughts on the Sixers’ big win in game 2 over the Raptors last night (0:09-23:47). The guys review their predictions for game 2 (23:47-45:56). Preparing for a trip to Toronto for games 3 and 4 (45:56-1:09:22). Cooney’s Column – The Sixers Identity (1:09:22-1:31:37). The 3 Pointer with Devon Givens (1:31:37-1:55:14). Jamie has some thoughts about the Eagles’ WR rumors (1:55:14-2:18:21). The guys revisit the Sixers-Raptors game 2 (2:18:21-2:41:09). The show wraps up with the listener suggested segment of the day (2:41:09-END).