Andrew fills in for the Cuz, analyzing Danny Green’s comments about what he didn’t like about Philadelphia 76ers fans. Andrew sends a news flash to Green in the fact that he had it easy here (0:00-22:34) Andrew starts to take your calls and people are incensed by Green’s comments (22:34-44:17) Then it’s time for Morning Thoughts and is it important to keep your enemies close? (44:17-66:27) Someone calls in and actually agrees with Danny Green (66:27-89:04) We have host on host crime, and we have to call someone out for refusing to turn the thermostat down (89:04-111:56) Who almost set Connor’s house on fire? (111:56-134:22) Andrew finally gives you his Sopranos update and the thermostat wars continue (134:22-156:09) Your calls conclude the show (156:09-END)