(00:00-17:58) On the best of John Kincade Show, John, Jamie, and Connor start the show recapping last night’s 3-2 Phillies walk-off win over the Detroit Tigers to complete a three-game sweep. They talk about the game and the fact they are now .5 games ahead of their nemesis New York Mets.
(18:05-42:58) The guys learn about bears and their abilities. This was prompted by a disagreement on whether bears can punch or not. Connor was kicked out of a rec league basketball game last night. The conversation turns back to sports and more about the Phillies series sweep against the Tigers even with a lack of offense.
(43:05-58:11) John starts a game with Jamie and Connor about the Eagles. He names the NFC opponents, and they talk about whether they are a threat, nuisance, or nothing.