The show opens with John’s return to the air and the guys’ reactions to Nick Nurse being hired as the next Head Coach of the Sixers (0:04-19:25). The Phillies are better than last year to this point with worse performing stars (19:25-38:27). How does the Nick Nurse hiring effect James Harden’s potential return? (38:27-1:02:33). Cooney’s Column – A Good NBA Culture (1:02:33-1:30:30). Turner, Schwarber, and Nola have been the biggest culprits of this Phillies season (1:30:30-1:53:14). Bob doesn’t see a lot of rotational change with the Nurse hire (1:53:14-2:19:20). James Harden is who John thought he was (2:19:20-2:42:40). The show wraps up with a thought about the Phils’ upcoming series with the Mets and some interesting pitching matchups (2:42:40-3:17:29).