The show opens with the guys’ reaction to the Phillies’ great weekend against the Padres (0:14-19:26). Jalen Carter is in an interesting legal situation right now (19:26-37:57). Pat talks about the top 5 Eagles who will improve this season (37:57-1:03:22). Cooney’s Column – Rob Thomson’s Decisions (1:03:22-1:27:51). The Phils now prepare for the Brewers to come to town (1:27:51-1:51:49). Bob talks about the first positive story that needs to come out of Eagles training camp (1:51:49-2:14:50). The Mets coming fire sale is a big help to the Phillies’ playoff chances (2:14:50-2:42:32). The show wraps up with the latest news from the Sixers’ circus (2:42:32-3:15:38).