The Best Show Ever?: Weekdays 2pm – 6pm

The Best Show Ever?: Weekdays 2pm – 6pm

The Mike Missanelli Show 01-11-22 Download

02:50:29 Download January 11th, 2022

(00:00-13:25) You have to believe.  That is how Mike starts today’s show.  The Eagles are playing the Tom Brady led Buccaneers on Sunday.  Mike understands the challenge that faces the Eagles.  His biggest issue with believing is being cursed with what he wants to win versus reality.  The conversation all day will be dominated with Eagles talk.  Can the Eagles win? Will the Eagles win?  What needs to be done to make sure they win?  Tyrone and Jen share their thoughts.

(13:36-1:07:21) Jen introduces todays Twitter poll.  On a scale from 1 (being the lowest) to 4, how afraid of Tom Brady are you?  Mike heads to the phones to hear what you have to say. 

(1:07:32-1:22:08) Sixers Play-By-Play Announcer Kate Scott joins the show.  She talks about her adjustment to moving to Philadelphia from California.  She also talks about how well the 76ers are playing right now and working with Alaa Abdelnaby.

(1:22:18-1:26:32) Jen dives into some interesting stories outside the world of sports on “What’s Brewin’ with Jen” including NFL Potatoes and an insomnia induced attack on flight attendants.

(1:26:42-1:49:08) Mike and the crew take more of your calls.  They also talk some college football. 

(1:49:19-2:00:34) Eagles beat reporter for NBC Sports Philadelphia, Dave Zangaro, joins the show to talk about the Eagles/Buccaneers game and what the Eagles need to do to defend Tom Brady.

(2:00:45-2:40:01) The rest of the show belongs to you, the FANatic until Sound Off.  There is even a special caller toward the end of the show.

(2:47:12-2:50:23) The show ends with today’s best of Sound Off.

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