The show opens with John’s thoughts on the Phillies’ awful performance last night against the Blue Jays (0:13-23:07). How many teams in the NFL are better than the Eagles? (23:07-46:27). Jamie is ready to stop this narrative about the Eagles (46:27-1:08:59). Bob wonders about the winning effect of other teams in Philly (1:08:59-1:32:26). Adam Schefter checks in to discuss the Eagles’ exceptional start to the season (1:32:26-1:53:18). What can the birds carry over from their Minnesota game plan to this week? (1:53:18-2:16:16). A debate between who deserves credit for Monday night, Slay or Gannon (2:16:16-2:39:09). The show wraps up with a bathroom break check and some NyQuil chicken (2:39:09-3:00:13).