The guys open with their reaction to the Phillies’ walk off win last night (0:06-22:23). Jamie questions what the deal is with the Sixers’ contact with Ben Simmons (22:23-44:28). Everyone makes a bold Eagles prediction (44:28-1:10:28). Who are going to be the Eagles team MVPs this year (1:10:28-1:33:49). Connor might have to play a couple college basketball players one on one (1:33:49-1:55:27). There is some new news on the Deshaun Watson front (1:55:27-2:18:53). Tim Saunders joins the guys to talk about the recent Flyers’ moves (2:18:53-2:42:27). The show wraps up with an interesting Olympics hypothetical (2:42:37-3:04:18).