The show opens with John’s thoughts on Kyle Schwarber’s Home Run Derby performance (0:09-23:54). Pat shares his biggest Eagles Pre-Training Camp storyline (23:54-47:53). Are the Phillies giving up on the NL East race? (47:53-1:10:23). John gives his biggest Eagles Pre-Training Camp storyline (1:10:23-1:34:26). Bob wants to know who the most important backup is on the Eagles’ roster (1:34:26-1:57:20). Bob shares his biggest Eagles Pre-Training Camp storyline (1:57:20-2:21:25). The danger in “Believing The Hype” (2:21:25-2:58:16). The show wraps up with Jamie’s Eagles Pre-Training Camp storyline (2:58:16-3:06:37).