The show opens with John’s thoughts on a stirring comeback win by the Phillies last night against the Mets (0:07-23:12). Bob recaps the guys’ James Harden predictions when the trade was made (23:12-45:28). Are we suffering from Sixers amnesia? (45:28-1:08:36). Why you don’t draft a QB in the 2nd round (1:08:36-1:31:20). Adam Schefter joins the show to discuss the latest visits by draft prospects and the Tyrann Mathieu rumors (1:31:20-1:53:01). The listener suggested segment of the day (1:53:01-2:16:38). Jamie wants the Sixers to learn from a certain trend (2:16:38-2:39:47). John is all hot and bothered about a mock draft (2:39:47-END).