The show opens with John’s thoughts about the World Series Game 3 rain delay (0:08-23:38). The 76ers got their punishment yesterday for tampering (23:38-46:21). Thursday night is now a huge dilemma (46:21-1:09:15). Speak For Yourself with Bob Cooney (1:09:15-1:32:39). What makes you confident in Zack Wheeler and Aaron Nola’s bounce back (1:32:39-1:54:31). Bob thinks the rain delay worked out very much in the Phillies favor (1:54:31-2:18:09). This Eagles stat might be the biggest proof of their dominance (2:18:09-2:41:36). The show wraps up with the guys’ final thoughts ahead of rescheduled World Series Game 3 (2:41:36-3:01:59).