The word of the day is Boston, because we are going to be seeing a lot of Boston this weekend. They open up the show giving their thoughts on game 3, how the game will go, and what the Sixers need to do to win (0:00).
They head to the phones to see what the callers think, and play a game of King of the Hill, where at the end of the show the smartest caller still at the top of the hill will be given a pair of Sixers tickets to Sundays game 4 (13:20)
Sixers Color Commentator, Alla Aldelnaby joins the show to give his thoughts on the series, and tonight’s game (1:32:00).
They get back to the calls, and playing king of the hill for ma chance to win Sixers tickets (1:45:48).
Then Jen and Hunter go head to head in a game of 10 second songs, with the ending getting quite ugly when one of them turns out to be a very poor winner (1:52:20).
They take more calls, and check in to see what is brewing with Jen Scordo (1:58:00).
They continue to play king of the hill with the callers, and Ricky and Hunter both take turns going into timeout for saying something way too wild (2:16:16).
Finally their words are taken out of context, they try something in Jens Tasting table, and close it out with more calls (2:37:08).