(00:00-09:16) On today’s best of The Mike Missanelli Show, it is Sixers playoff time. The Sixers have the two best players in the series and Mike believes the Raptors won’t be strong enough to overtake that. There is worry with some fans in the city and Mike wants to encourage you to be positive. Nick Nurse will come up with strategies to stop Joel Embiid but the Sixers will make the adjustments. Tyrone and Jen give their take.
(09:27-14:42) Jen introduces today’s Twitter poll. Last check in. What will be the result of the Sixers vs Raptors series? Your choices are. Sixers in 4-5, Raptors in 4-5, Sixers in 6-7, and Raptors in 6-7. The crew gives their thoughts.
(14:54-19:58) Mike, Tyrone, and Jen discuss how bad traffic is and how there are never measures to fix the flow. They also discuss issues with the Blue Route.
(20:09-39:16) Eagles legend and member of The Fanatic family Brian Westbrook joins the show. He talks about the Sixers vs Raptors series and what the Sixers need to do to come out on top. He believes we will see a different James Harden than what we have recently seen. They also talk Ben Simmons and why he shouldn’t play in the playoffs, family, and more!