Anthony opens the show talking Sixers, James Harden, and the excitement for the rest of this season (0:00:00-0:21:30). Anthony runs through Hardens past performances in the playoffs to debunk some criticisms of him (0:21:42-0:44:58). They take some calls, and share their Morning Thoughts (0:45:10-1:09:01). They take calls from fans talking about the worst blowouts they have ever seen in person (1:09:13-1:32:03). They take more calls, talk more sixers, and also get into the Mock Drafts for the Eagles (1:32:15-1:53:14). They take more calls, and Kevin Negandhi joins to discuss the Harden deal (1:53:26-2:15:34). Anthony takes more calls for the rest of the show (2:15:46- 2:25:56)