The American Lung Association and the State of the Air Report Download

29:47 Download July 5th, 2024

Deb Brown, Chief Mission Officer for the American Lung Association, gave us an update on the annual State of the Air Report and our Delaware Valley air quality it isn’t good when it comes to Ozone smog and particle pollution.   

We discussed the mission of the Lung Association, education, advocacy and research, which includes the annual report card.

She spoke on the health ramifications ozone and particle pollution, they can cause premature death and other serious health effects such as asthma attacks, heart attacks, strokes, preterm births and impaired cognitive functioning later in life. Particle pollution can also cause lung cancer. She notes that communities of color are disproportionately exposed to unhealthy air and are also more likely to be living with one or more chronic conditions that make them more vulnerable to air pollution, including asthma, diabetes and heart disease. The report found that a person of color in the U.S. is more than twice as likely as a white individual to live in a community with a failing grade on all three pollution measures.

Deb discussed their current research project on lung health, following a cohort or 25 to 35 year-olds to observe their lung health over the years.  Now in the second year, they are looking for volunteers to participate.   She reminded us of Saved by the Scan, lung screenings for former smokers with a 20-year history of smoking or a 2-park a day habit for 15 years, lung cancer is the number one killer for men and women and survival rates improve with early detection.     

We discussed their educational programming, including smoking cessation offerings and youth initiatives.   

We also discussed their advocacy work, advancing anti-tobacco laws and air pollution rules that will help clean up particle pollution and address climate change and promoting zero-emission technologies, like electric cars and trucks.

Finally, a call to volunteer or fundraise, either a DIY activity or through their annual Fight 4 Air Climbs or other events. 

For more information about the State of the Air reports, Saved by the Scan, their anti-smoking campaigns, volunteering or fundraising go to

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